Sequential Mediation Between Night Shift and Job Performance in The Context of Pakistan
Night shift, Job performance, work life balance, InsomniaAbstract
The objective behind this empirical research is to investigate the sequential mediation of work-life balance and insomnia on the relationship between night shift and job performance in the call centers of telecommunication industry of Pakistan. The data was collected with the help of structured questionnaires from the night shift workers of call center. The results were complied with the Preacher and Hayes process to analyze the sequential mediation between the relationship of night shift and Job Performance. The findings reveal that there is a sequential mediation between night shift and job performance with mediating role of work-life balance and insomnia. The mediating role of insomnia is significant but the mediating role of work-life balance was found to be insignificant between the relationship of night shift and job performance. The study is the great addition to the existing literature as well as for managerial implications by highlighting the negative impacts of continuous nightshift on the work life balance and sleep quality of employees that ultimately impact their job performance.
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